Playfight - The slightly different meeting

Today, on International Pillow Fight Day, we're taking this as our motto.

The Playfight becomes a pillow fight!


I invite you to the pillow fight in Potsdam. At the well-known JASA - Potsdam, of course. Come along and bring a pillow and let's relive old memories. Of course you can also fight without a pillow.


Let's play together, fight, scuffle, tickle, cuddle and have fun. You can also just watch and maybe your passive turns into active. There is no obligation to participate. Just observe what you like to do, which impulses arise and which ones you want to follow or don't want to follow.

You should not be afraid of small injuries (bruises, abrasions or bruises) when participating in the Playfight. However, you know your fitness and physical limitations better and are consequently responsible for your own physical health. I will provide a safe framework. The Playfight is not a workshop.


Whether beginners or experienced, all are welcome.

Playfight Potsdam


05.04.2025    6pm - 8pm



JASA Potsdam

Konsumhof 2

14482 Potsdam



Decide what you can or want to give in the declared price range.

10-20€ per person


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The roughly process:

We´ll open the doors on point. After that, you can first arrive and take a look at the location. Let us chat and get to know each other a little bit. You can always leave earlier or come later. However, you will miss out on getting to know each other and possible information on who has what individual limits.

If you want to drink something else like tea or tap water, please bring it with you. There will be also some snacks.


What is a Playfight?

Playfight is also called "playful scuffling". Very well, you may or may not be able to imagine something under it. It is similar to wrestling and somehow not at all. The expression is very individual, like the words used for it ( wrestling, scuffling, romping, cuddling, etc.). Playfight just sounds more modern. What happens in any case, if you get involved, is an intense, physical contact. You don't need any martial arts experience or to be athletic. It's about the moment.


What is it about in a Playfight?

What it should be about is up to you. Experience what it's like to win or to lose. Feel your body, see what happens in the contact between you and the other person. Were you able to develop as you wanted or were you somehow inhibited? What feelings appear? Do you get angry? Do you get sad? Are you just in the moment, out of your head and in your body, having fun? Do you enjoy the contact? A lot can happen and also nothing. You can let off steam or follow other impulses.

Sexuality in the classical sense is not in the foreground, even if you enjoy the "fight" in one way or another or possibly not.


What rules are there?

This time we`ve got 4 strict rules and individually set limits. Nothing more.

  1. Fighting on the knees.
  2. no punches / headnuts to the face. If you are wrestling with a pillow, no “punches” to the face.
  3. pillows may only be filled with cotton and must not have a cushion cover. No feathers, grains or other filling of any kind.
  4. At least 2 claps with the flat hand on the mat or a bodypart ends the fight immediately.

If you are unsure of your opponent's limits in a challenge, just ask again.

You decide if you accept the challenge of the person in front of you or not. No one has to "fight", you can just watch. But maybe you might be missing something.


Who can participate in a playfight?

All from the age of 18. No matter if young, old, thin, fat, man*, woman*, non-binary*, fluid*, inter* and so on. As long as you are at least 18 years old, who can act on your own responsibility and also share the responsibility for what happens, you are welcome.



Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.